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  • Writer's pictureHannah Wright

5 Tips for Staying Healthy in College

Hello everyone! Sorry about missing Friday's post, last week was a little hectic and I only realized I hadn't published a post at about 10pm that night. Today's post is what that post was supposed to be, my posts might be a little more sporadic going forward, but I'm going to try to stick to my Tuesday and Friday schedule as much as possible! This post is mostly reading, I haven't had time to photograph things for myself lately, much less shoots specifically for the blog, but with my next post I'll be sure to include some images!

Going to college requires growing up in a few different ways, one of them being taking care of yourself! It's all too easy to be drawn in by all-you-can-eat cafeterias and throw the healthy habits out the window when you're stressed because of exams. This part of college is a balancing act that I haven't quite mastered yet, but I have definitely figured out a few things that have helped me along the way.

1. Know your routines!

One of the reasons people get so off track on their health when they go to college is that they might not have been on any track to begin with! College can mess with your routine really easily, if you're not careful you'll end up eating for the first time in the day at two in the afternoon or making instant ramen for dinner at midnight. Keeping a routine is a pretty generic advice tip, but it helps a lot with staying healthy. Are you a breakfast person? Do you have allergies or specific preferences? How often do you have access to a grocery store? Figure out when your meal times can be within and around your class schedule and try to stick to it! These are things you could think about if you're trying to be balanced.

2. Create balance by sticking to the healthy option most of the time.

Speaking of being balanced, how is your eating pattern going to work? Are you a commuting student that eats at home and brings snacks? Are you a full time student with a set meal plan? Do you live off your campus and buy your own groceries? If you've got a meal plan, look at your options on your campus and try and find the most nutritionally-beneficial option! As much as I'd love to eat Chik-fil-a every day, I know that too much of it isn't good for me. My go-to is a Chipotle-style place on my campus, Mexican bowls like that are pretty balanced with protein, carbs, and vegetables if you omit some of the unhealthier stuff. I also try to keep fruit on hand in my apartment, whether that's apples from the cafeteria or produce from the grocery store.

I've figured out by now that I feel way better when I'm eating enough and eating in a way that fuels my body with good things. Of course it's not perfect all the time, but making an effort makes all the difference!

3. Make exercising a priority!

I was better at this in semesters past, but I'm doing my best right now! Take full advantage of your school's gym if they have one, it's probably free for students and they often do lots of workout classes to appeal to different preferences and schedules. My school's gym has a set schedule of what classes go on every week, so I can work them into my schedule easily. I like to plan to work out as much as possible, because then I know the classes I could go to if I decide to skip one or the other. Not only does exercise keep you fit and healthy, it's a mood booster and stress reliever!

4. Don't deprive yourself!

I came up with this tip because I don't diet. Diets make me sad. My approach to nutrition is balance and moderation, these allow me to have a "if it's delicious, it's zero calories" mentality (for the time being, I'm still young after all!). If I eat well and exercise regularly, there's no problem with having instant ramen for dinner or eating a dessert. I find that depriving myself of some of those cravings can go downhill really quickly, for some people it works but it doesn't go well for me. As long as I'm moderate with whatever it is, like I mentioned before, I can keep my balance. It would take time to build up this kind of habit/mentality, but I'd recommend it!

5. Maintain your mental health!

Your mental health and physical health may be more intertwined than you think! Why do you think we feel so gross after over-eating, or why does our mood lift after eating a piece of chocolate? The mood lift is part of the reason I love food and food photography, it's so much more than just fuel for our bodies. Food brings nourishment and comfort. This doesn't mean you should go stress-eat a whole pack of Oreo's, it means that cheering yourself up by eating a few of those Oreo's after a long day isn't going to hurt anyone. Our brains and bodies need food to function, so if you're feeling less than 100%, start with the basics and ask yourself if you've been eating and drinking enough. The difference you feel might surprise you!

These are 5 of the tips I think of when it comes to staying healthy. Asking the right questions of yourself and answering them with real action is a step in the right direction! Health is something that's super personal to each person, so feel free to take or leave these tips, or take them and make them work for your lifestyle. Thanks for reading!

xx, Hannah

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